Cosmetic & General Dentistry in Jacksonville, Florida
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If you have missing teeth, a removable partial denture is one way to replace them. Partial dentures have several benefits. They can make it easier for you to chew your food and they can also help you speak better if your speech has changed due to missing teeth. Removable partial dentures can support checks and lips so the face does not sag and make you look older.

A missing tooth is a serious matter. Teeth are made to work together. When you lose a tooth, the nearby teeth may tilt or drift into the empty space. The teeth in the opposite jaw may also shift up or down toward the space. This can affect your bite and place more stress on your teeth and jaw joints. It may be harder to clean teeth that have shifted, which could lead to tooth decay and gum disease. That is why it is important to replace missing teeth.

Removable partial dentures usually have replacement teeth fixed to a plastic base that matches the color of your gums. The plastic base may cover a metal framework. Partial dentures often have some form of clasp that attaches to your natural teeth. Sometimes dental implants can be used to retain the partial denture instead of clasps. Implants allow for a much more stable partial.

Eating and speaking
When you replace missing teeth, eating is much easier. Missing teeth can also make it hard to speak clearly. Wearing a removable partial denture can help. But it takes practice.

Adjustments and Repairs
As you get older, the fit of your removable partial denture can change. Your bone ridges can shrink, making a space under the denture. Food can get trapped. The denture clasps also may get loose from normal wear. If your partial denture needs adjusting, do not adjust it yourself. It can harm both the denture and your health. A badly adjusted partial denture can cause sores and irritation. Do not use household glues to repair the partial because they can have harmful chemicals.

See your dentist as soon as possible if your removable partial denture breaks, cracks, chips, or if one of the teeth becomes loose. Or your partial denture may need to be modified if you lose one of the supporting teeth. Sometimes dentists can make the repairs, often on the same day. Complex repairs can take longer. The sooner you make an appointment, the sooner you can have a well-fitting partial denture again.

Remember, regular exams and professional cleanings are very important to keep a healthy smile. Call us today to schedule your appointment!